Improving your quality of life – Life without pain

Patient Info

What to expect?

Upon arrival to our facility, if you haven’t already provided us with your paperwork, then you’ll be asked to fill it out. Therefore if you haven’t filled it out yet then you’ll want to arrive 20 minutes early to your first appointment. Also, if you happen to have a Prescription to Physical Therapy, then bring that as well along with your Insurance Card. On your first appointment, called your “Initial Evaluation,” your Physical Therapist will ask you a series of questions about your past and present medical conditions, before performing a comprehensive evaluation of your muscles, joints, nerves, tendons, and ligaments including range of motion, strength and functional testing. Based on your diagnosis, prognosis and your personal goals, an individual “Plan of Care” will be devised. There is usually some treatment on the first visit as well. Future appointments will then be scheduled to implement that plan.

What should I wear?

Comfortable clothing. Shorts are helpful to wear if you have a lower body injury. We also have locker rooms with showers and digital lockers (like a hotel room safe) for your convenience.